quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2018

Confira algumas das melhores fantasias Marvel do Halloween 2018

Estamos entre o Halloween americano e o dia dos mortos, que em muitos lugares do mundo é igualmente comemorado com muita festança. Parte cultural deixada de lado, esse também é o tempo em que todo mundo lá na gringa apela pra o máximo de criatividade e se diverte usando fantasias e saindo pelas ruas. Aproveitando que muita gente acabou se vestindo com a temática Marvel, separamos para vocês as melhores fantasias que achamos por aí pra vocês. Espia só:

My boss handmade this Dr. Strange costume for his son. from r/marvelstudios

Hey Karen, happy Halloween from r/marvelstudios

My son and I went as Steve Rogers and also Steve Rogers for Halloween. from r/marvelstudios

Wakanda Family: Singer, Ciara & Family Are Black Panther Superheroes In Halloween Costumes from r/marvelstudios

Just had to show off my girlfriends amazing Captain Marvel costume. from r/marvelstudios

Brie Larson as Zero suit Samus with mini Captain Marvel and Spider-Gwen from r/marvelstudios

My Halloween costume from r/marvelstudios

My Halloween costume from r/marvelstudios

Not exactly movie accurate, but here's my take on Peter's Homecoming Suit! from r/marvelstudios

My friend sewed this awesome Dr. Strange costume! from r/marvelstudios

Niece dressed up as Ms. Marvel for Halloween. from r/marvelstudios

Sharing my devlish costume for Halloween #Daredevil #Netflix from r/marvelstudios

I was World War II Cap for Halloween this year! from r/marvelstudios

I couldn't decide which Avenger I wanted to be for Halloween. So I decided to be all of them. from r/marvelstudios

It's not perfect but here's the costume my wife and I made for our son from r/marvelstudios

Scarlet Witch (AoU) Halloween Costume from r/marvelstudios

If I see a situation pointed south, I can’t ignore it. (see sticker) from r/marvelstudios

High school teachers dressed up like the Avengers from r/marvelstudios

Iron Spider on point this year. Nobody else had the spider legs. from r/marvelstudios

Killmonger's Golden Jaguar - Not super accurate, but I like it! from r/marvelstudios

Happy Halloween Humans! from r/marvelstudios

Happy Halloween from Ghost Rider! from r/marvelstudios

My fiancee, two friends, and I dressed as Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket, and Drax for Halloween from r/marvelstudios

My wife, dog and I - we're sort of like a team. "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" type thing. from r/marvelstudios

WHERE IS GAMORA! from r/marvelstudios

Our Marvel Halloween group! from r/marvelstudios

Uma publicação compartilhada por Ciara (@ciara) em

Percebeu algumas celebridades aí no meio, né? Não tem diferença! Nessa época do ano todo mundo só quer se divertir. Antes de finalizar a postagem, um agradecimento especial a amiga Dandi pela ajuda na seleção das imagens. E a nossos leitores, um bom feriado por aqui também!


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