* Atenção! Informações inéditas no Brasil!
Saiu no Bleeding Cool. A loja de quadrinhos ComiXology publicou um Top 10 de suas vendas de revistas pelo meio digital.
A ComiXology é considerada a loja digital mais importante atualmente. Assim, os rankings publicados pela empresa se tornam referência. Conforme a matéria publicada no Bleeding Cool, a loja separa seus Top 10 por países. Estados Unidos, Japão, França, Itália, México, Canadá figuram na lista. Mas a grande surpresa (ao menos para esse pobre escriba) é a presença de um Top 10 do Brasil!
O ranking brasileiro apresentado é dominado pela Marvel. Somente três títulos não são da editora: Walking Dead 104 (primeiro colocado em vários países, por sinal) Justice League 14 e Batman 14.
Alguns pontos de destaques: Paquistão ama o evento “Guerra Civil”. A lista é praticamente dominada por títulos relacionados ao evento. Brasil é o único país do BRICS em que as compras são feitas em dólar e não na moeda local. E o novo título do gigante esmeralda, Indestructible Hulk, desponta como um dos melhores lançamentos do Marvel Now em meio Digital.
Seguem abaixo os Rankings:
1. Justice League (2011-) #14 $3.99
2. Indestructible Hulk #1 $3.99
3. The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
4. Amazing Spider-Man #698 $3.99
5. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 $3.99
6. Hawkeye #4 $2.99
7. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17 $3.99
8. Uncanny X-Force #34 $3.99
9. Wolverine and the X-Men #21 $3.99
10. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011-) #14 $2.99
1. Justice League (2011-) #14 $3.99
2. Indestructible Hulk #1 $3.99
3. Amazing Spider-Man #698 $3.99
4. Hawkeye #4 $2.99
5. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17 $3.99
6. The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
7. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 $3.99
8. Wonder Woman (2011-) #14 $2.99
9. Deadpool Vol. 4 #2 $2.99
10. Uncanny X-Force #34 $3.99
1. Judge Dredd #1 £2.49
2. Justice League (2011-) #14 £2.49
3. The Walking Dead #104 £1.99
4. Indestructible Hulk #1 £2.49
5. Amazing Spider-Man #698 £2.49
6. Batman (2011-) #14 £2.49
7. Hawkeye #4 £1.99
8. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17 £2.49
9. All New X-Men #1 £2.49
10. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 £2.49
1. The Walking Dead #104 2,69€
2. Indestructible Hulk #1 3,59€
3. Amazing Spider-Man #698 3,59€
4. Batman (2011-) #14 3,59€
5. Judge Dredd #1 3,59€
6. Justice League (2011-) #14 3,59€
7. Nightwing (2011-) #14 2,69€
8. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 3,59€
9. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17 3,59€
10. All New X-Men #1 3,59€
1. The Walking Dead #104 $39.00
2. Batman (2011-) #14 $49.00
3. Amazing Spider-Man #698 $49.00
4. Catwoman (2011-) #14 $39.00
5. Indestructible Hulk #1 $49.00
6. Batgirl (2011-) #14 $39.00
7. Justice League (2011-) #14 $49.00
8. All New X-Men #1 $49.00
9. Wolverine and the X-Men #21 $49.00
10. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 $49.00
1. The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
2. Indestructible Hulk #1 $3.99
3. Justice League (2011-) #14 $3.99
4. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 $3.99
5. Amazing Spider-Man #698 $3.99
6. Hawkeye #4 $2.99
7. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17 $3.99
8. All New X-Men #1 $3.99
9. Iron Man Vol. 5 #2 $3.99
10. Batman (2011-) #14 $3.99
1. Indestructible Hulk #1 $3.99
2. All New X-Men #1 $3.99
3. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 $3.99
4. Saga #7 $2.99
5. Deadpool Vol. 4 #2 $2.99
6. Thor: God of Thunder #1 $3.99
7. Justice League (2011-) #14 $3.99
8. Wonder Woman (2011-) #13 $1.99
9. The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
10. Batman (2011-) #14 $3.99
1. The Walking Dead #104 2,69€
2. Justice League (2011-) #14 3,59€
3. Wolverine and the X-Men #21 3,59€
4. Batman (2011-) #14 3,59€
5. Indestructible Hulk #1 3,59€
6. Iron Man Vol. 5 #2 3,59€
7. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 3,59€
8. All New X-Men #1 3,59€
9. The Walking Dead Vol. 17: Something To Fear 8,99€
10. Uncanny X-Force #34 3,59€
1. The Walking Dead #104 2,69€
2. Justice League (2011-) #14 3,59€
3. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #4 (of 6) 2,69€
4. The Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye 7,99€
5. Saga #7 2,69€
6. Batman (2011-) #14 3,59€
7. The Walking Dead Vol. 17: Something To Fear 8,99€
8. The Walking Dead Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us 8,99€
9. The Walking Dead Vol. 3: The Heart’s Desire 8,99€
10. Amazing Spider-Man #698 3,59€
1. The Walking Dead #104 2,69€
2. The Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye 7,99€
3. Fables #123 2,69€
4. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 3,59€
5. Y: The Last Man #6 1,79€
6. All New X-Men #1 3,59€
7. Y: The Last Man #4 1,79€
8. Y: The Last Man #5 1,79€
9. Invincible #97 2,69€
10. The Walking Dead Vol. 17: Something To Fear 8,99€
1. Saga #7 2,69€
2. The Walking Dead #41 1,79€
3. The Walking Dead #40 1,79€
4. The Walking Dead #39 1,79€
5. Amazing Spider-Man #587 1,79€
6. Amazing Spider-Man #586 1,79€
7. Amazing Spider-Man #585 1,79€
8. Hellblazer #260 1,79€
9. Hellblazer #259 1,79€
10. Hellblazer #258 1,79€
1. The Walking Dead Vol. 8: Made To Suffer8,99€
2. V for Vendetta #2 (of 10) 1,79€
3. Minimum Carnage: Omega #1 3,59€
4. Amazing Spider-Man #698 3,59€
5. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse #4 (of 9): War 2,69€
6. House of Mystery (2008-2011) #34 1,79€
7. House of Mystery (2008-2011) #33 1,79€
8. The Walking Dead Vol. 6: Sorrowful Life8,99€
9. The Walking Dead Vol. 7: The Calm Before8,99€
10. The Walking Dead #104 2,69€
1. The Walking Dead #104 2,69€
2. Captain America Vol. 7 #1 3,59€
3. The Walking Dead Vol. 17: Something To Fear8,99€
4. Justice League (2011-) #14 3,59€
5. Batman (2011-) #14 3,59€
6. X-O Manowar (2012- ) #7 0,89€
7. Wolverine and the X-Men #21 3,59€
8. Indestructible Hulk #1 3,59€
9. Harbinger (2012- ) #6 0,89€
10. Iron Man Vol. 5 #2 3,59€
1. The Walking Dead #104 2,69€
2. Hawkeye #4 2,69€
3. Justice League (2011-) #14 3,59€
4. Judge Dredd #1 3,59€
5. Saga #7 2,69€
6. The Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye 7,99€
7. The Walking Dead Michonne Special 1,79€
8. The Walking Dead #103 1,79€
9. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17 3,59€
10. Indestructible Hulk #1 3,59€
1. Saga #7 99 р.
2. The Walking Dead #104 99 р.
3. Batman (2011- ) #1 33 р.
4. Legends of the Dark Knight (2012-) #25 33 р.
5. All New X-Men #1 129 р.
6. Deadpool Vol. 4 #2 99 р.
7. Catwoman (2011-) #14 99 р.
8. Nancy In Hell #2 (of 4) 66 р.
9. Retrovirus 229 р.
10. Charismagic: Sparkles 33 р.
1. Batman: Li’l Gotham #2 ¥85
2. Justice League (2011-) #14 ¥350
3. Amazing Spider-Man #698 ¥350
4. The Bulletproof Coffin Vol. 2: Disinterred ¥850
5. Harbinger (2012- ) #5: Digital Exclusives Editions ¥85
6. The Walking Dead #104 ¥250
7. Batwoman (2011-) #14 ¥250
8. Deadpool Vol. 4 #2 ¥250
9. Deadpool Vol. 4 #1 ¥250
10. The Bulletproof Coffin ¥700
1. The Walking Dead #104 ¥18.00
2. G.I. Joe Vol. 1 #7 ¥12.00
3. G.I. Joe #6 ¥12.00
4. Space: 1999 – Classics Remastered #4 ¥18.00
5. Hulk Season One ¥128.00
6. Watchmen #10 (of 12) ¥12.00
7. Spider-Man Season One ¥128.00
8. X-Men Season One ¥128.00
9. Fantastic Four: Season One Premiere ¥128.00
10. Bone Vol. 1 #5 ¥12.00
1. Amazing Spider-Man #698 NIS 15.90
2. Saga #7 NIS 11.90
3. Invincible #97 NIS 11.90
4. Archer & Armstrong (2012- ) #2: Digital Exclusives Editions NIS 3.90
5. Archer & Armstrong (2012- ) #1: Digital Exclusives Editions NIS 3.90
6. Marvel Zombies 2 NIS 35.90
7. Witchblade: Demon Reborn #4 (of 4) NIS 15.90
8. Archer & Armstrong (2012- ) #4 NIS 3.90
9. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17 NIS 15.90
10. Deadpool Vol. 4 #2 NIS 11.90
1. Ninjago Vol. 1: Challenge of Samukai $4.99
2. Civil War X-Men #4 (of 4) $1.99
3. Civil War X-Men #3 (of 4) $1.99
4. Cable & Deadpool #32 $1.99
5. Cable & Deadpool #31 $1.99
6. Civil War: The Initiative $1.99
7. Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #4 $1.99
8. Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #3 $1.99
9. Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #2 $1.99
10. Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1 $1.99
1. Judge Dredd #1 Rs 220
2. The Shadow #8 Rs 220
3. Star Trek: Ongoing #15 Rs 220
4. Rachel Rising Vol. 2: Fear No Malus Rs 550
5. Legends of the Dark Knight (2012-) #25 Rs 55
6. Wolverine: Wolverine’s Revenge Rs 690
7. Steed and M Rs Peel Ongoing #1 Rs 110
8. Strange Embrace #8 (of 8) Rs 110
9. Fear Itself Rs 790
10. The List Rs 790
South Africa
1. Saga #7 R24.99
2. Batman (2011-) #14 R32.99
3. Justice League (2011-) #13 R 24.99
4. Amazing Spider-Man #698 R32.99
5. Justice League (2011-) #14 R32.99
6. The Walking Dead #104 R24.99
7. Smallville: Season 11 #22 R7.99
8. Sandman #1 R15.99
9. Deus Ex #3 (of 6) R15.99
10. Deus Ex #4 (of 6) R15.99